Chrome Rhino’s style of rock n’ roll will dazzle your senses while stomping you into the dust like you are on fire.
This adventurous and energetic Phoenix AZ quartet embodies the escapism we’re all looking for. It’s the kind of rock music for when you’d rather be somewhere else, whether escaping from a ravenous monster, in the wilderness hunting for cryptids, or perhaps alone on a rocket careening into space. They have earned a reputation for exciting, ambitious and captivating live shows. In 2024 they released their second album, “These Precarious Experiments Determine What The Future Will Be” a wild genre bending dive into the cosmos that earned them the honor of “Best Album” by Phoenix New Times in Best Of Phoenix 2024.
Their tunes combine the kaleidoscopic twists and turns of Electric Light Orchestra, the screaming guitars and lush vocal harmonies of Queen, and the playful wildness of Alice Cooper and Tenacious D. With their exciting live shows and innovative music videos, Chrome Rhino brings dextrous musicianship, eclectic songwriting that’s whimsical yet deep, and a generous helping of nostalgia.